Bias in ADHD Diagnosis

Bias in ADHD Diagnosis

Often when we think of someone with ADHD, a young white boy comes to mind, but while ADHD is more commonly diagnosed and treated in boys, the disorder is found across genders and races. For women, symptoms of ADHD can often be mistaken for something else, like anxiety...

Understanding ADHD

ADHD is completely misunderstood, and not simply by the public. Just look at the name itself: “Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.” Coined by “professionals,” the name lists two symptoms that aren’t even necessary in order to...

The Hyperfocus Myth

I recently came across a blog entry by a well-meaning psychiatrist who wanted to stress how important it is to not diagnose nonconformity as a disorder (the original blog entry is linked below). Certainly I cannot argue with that point! However, the example she used...