This Didn’t Happen Last Night

Like many others, I slept very little last night as we waited for the results to come in. And as they did,  a sense of dread unfolded as the numbers came back: we have cancer. And then the finger-pointing started. Blame the independents. Blame the apathetic voters....

Doctor’s Bias

I recently wrote an opinion on what I believed to be sloppy journalism in the NY Times. Briefly, this article described recent research that suggested “being overweight” was actually protective. I argued that the use of BMI as a primary measure of body fat...

Being overweight is a lifesaver!

A recent NY Times article claims that people who are slightly overweight have “less risk of dying than people of normal weight.” The author goes on, as any responsible author should, to hedge her claim with quotes from various doctors suggesting that we...

The Riddle of Experience vs Memory

Daniel Kahneman is a Princeton University psychologist and 2003 Nobel Prize recipient for his founding of Behavioral Economics. His practical application of Decision-Making Theory to naturalistic human behaviors, both volitional and automatic, has established the...