by Joshua D. Wyner | Jan 2, 2013 | Op-Ed
A recent NY Times article claims that people who are slightly overweight have “less risk of dying than people of normal weight.” The author goes on, as any responsible author should, to hedge her claim with quotes from various doctors suggesting that we...
by Joshua D. Wyner | Sep 27, 2012 | Op-Ed, Psychology
Obama is a do-nothing president. Romney is a flip-flopper. Obama is a socialist. Romney is a fascist. Every four years we seem to ask “Is this the most negative campaign ever?” We can hardly remember a time that was more negative than this one, with...
by Joshua D. Wyner | Sep 5, 2012 | Op-Ed
Daniel Kahneman is a Princeton University psychologist and 2003 Nobel Prize recipient for his founding of Behavioral Economics. His practical application of Decision-Making Theory to naturalistic human behaviors, both volitional and automatic, has established the...
by Joshua D. Wyner | May 17, 2012 | ADHD, Psychology
ADHD is completely misunderstood, and not simply by the public. Just look at the name itself: “Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder.” Coined by “professionals,” the name lists two symptoms that aren’t even necessary in order to...
by Joshua D. Wyner | Feb 8, 2012 | ADHD, Psychology
I recently came across a blog entry by a well-meaning psychiatrist who wanted to stress how important it is to not diagnose nonconformity as a disorder (the original blog entry is linked below). Certainly I cannot argue with that point! However, the example she used...