Explaining ADHD to a client

The very name “Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder” is so ill-guided, it’s no wonder the general public and even mental health professionals completely misunderstand the disorder. The disorder is not about attention or hyperactivity, and as...

Focus with ADHD

I would like to call your attention to a new support group available on Facebook, Focus with ADHD. While this group is not a replacement for therapy or medication, it is a place where anyone struggling with ADHD or interested in learning more about ADHD can come and...

The Self-Disclosure Myth

A colleague of mine, Robin Mohilner, recently asked a support group she leads for people struggling with bipolar disorder their thoughts on having a therapist self-disclose and the prevalent myth in our field that “if people know your story and that you continue...

Our Borderline Profession

Our profession is borderline. Over 50 years ago, in an effort to aid the U.S. Army in creating a census of psychiatric ailments, symptoms that often appeared together were identified, labelled, and written down. And so the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental...